Thursday 5 January 2012

0 To Naked by The Joy Of Ex Foundation

Set of four A6 postcards printed on lovely thick board. These also make fantastic little mini posters, but be careful who you show them to! Sally Beerworth opened the J.O.E. Foundation in May 2011. Sally doesn’t really consider herself an overly nice person, but when her own divorce almost cost her her smile, she started writing a funny novel to make herself giggle. And whilst writing the book she decided to start The Foundation. She wasn't exactly sure exactly how she could possibly help anyone. So as a writer, she started a little Facebook group to help people to smile more… cos sometimes in life there is nothing else you can do. Then people started asking her for merchandise and books featuring all her silly quotes. She had some printed, and people from all around the world started buying them. Sally now puts aside a chunk of the money she earns, to try and help people when they get stuck going through a rough break up.